Plan Your Legacy

Support The Morton Arboretum with a gift in your will, trust, or other estate plans.

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Gift of Personal Residence or Farm with Retained Life Estate

Gift of Personal Residence or Farm with Retained Life Estate Diagram. Description of image is listed below.

How It Works

  1. Transfer title to personal residence or farm to the Arboretum
  2. No change in your lifestyle—you (and spouse) occupy and enjoy residence or farm for life
  3. The Arboretum keeps or sells property after your death(s)


  • No out-of-pocket cost for substantial gift to the Arboretum
  • Federal income-tax deduction for remainder value of your residence or farm
  • You (and spouse) can occupy residence for life

More Information

Contact Us

Jessica Anderson
Major and Planned Giving Officer
(630) 725-2146


The Morton Arboretum
4100 Illinois Route 53
Lisle, IL 60532


© Pentera, Inc. Planned giving content. All rights reserved.


With your generous contribution, the Arboretum will remain a cherished place of enjoyment and respite.

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